Short: Render in 24bit to Real3D's view windows Author: (Miloslaw Smyk) Uploader: Type: gfx/board ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is external display library for Real3D v3.11 and CyberGraphX, sporting following features: - rendering on 15/16/24-bit deep screens directly to windows you use for modelling, - simultaneous rendering to several windows at once, - two optional dithering modes - Floyd-Steinberg and ordered 4x4 - for high quality 15- and 16-bit deep renderings, - contents of any window can be saved as IFF file, - small preferences editor that lets you change dithering modes and save your preferred settings to disk, - you can have more than one copy of Real3D using this library at the same time. - it's FREE and comes with source! Milek Thorgal on #amiga and #amigapl